In an effort to look stylish, stay current, advance professionally (ha) and perhaps even get a free dinner out of some pathetic man who later turns out to be a stalker, one has to keep their hair well-maintained. This includes almost monthly trips to overly-priced English-owned salons where you have to pay one person more than a $100 to trim your hair and then another almost $150 to take away the beginnings of white hair that come with financial ruin. Why these people can't do both, I have no idea. Now, I don't care how broke I am, this is a necessity to me and apprently me alone, since no one else seems to notice or give a damn the day after. It is all about spending massive amounts of money to retain normalcy. Well, why don't you just go to Headcutters or Lemon Tree, you ask? Because I prefer my hairdress, stylist, colorist, savor, to have more than one eye and not smell like KFC.
Now you have your haircut, but what about when it rains? Do you really want to look like this? Disclosure: That is not me. I would rather be broke than have a mane like that. So you go to the counter and give your prescription that your stylist gave you which requires necessities like serum treatment, mango extract, guano and whatever else they brainwash you into thinking $30 per bottle is a good idea---and this is for a 5 oz bottle. Also, since when do colorists and hair cutters have assistants? They greet you and sit you down in the chair and expect $10 in cash? Outlandish! If you get both color and cut done in one day that is FIVE tips that have to be laid out-colorist, assistant, stylist, assistant and the poor hair washer who gets whatever lint is left in your pocket.
If only a hat or wig fit into my budget...
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