Lil B and I were prancing up the steps and could already hear the yelling. Dog walkers and owners fighting over the fact that the same people are continuously bringing larger dogs into the small dog park. The sign on the fence boldly says your dog must be less than 25 lbs to enter. I know reading is a luxury trait these days, but come on people. I do not want your snuggaluffagus/woolly mammoth lurching at my small pure bred.
As soon as I entered I was approached by a yapping woman about how I felt on the matter. I said that I don't think the larger dogs should be allowed in, because they are a safety hazard to the little ones. Everyone naturally had an opinion alliances were quickly formed, with several fuck yous being exchanged throughout. All the while the dogs continued to play--and then I saw it. One of the illegal large beasts lunged at Lil B, MY LB. In my attempt to stop it, my hand got stuck in the metal fence and split my nail so bad that blood began to pour, opening myself up to swine flu (is that still "in" now btw and whatever else these mutants have in their sweater vests). Thankfully, Lil B bitched slapped the large MUTT before it could do her any harm. That was it; I was now fully engaged in the battle.
Dogs that are big enough to smother mine, need to move their hairy asses to the large dog park literally next door. Eventually, our side prevailed and we had the large dog owners remove their dogs and a small victory was won until tomorrow when they bring them back and the rage attacks begin again. At least, I was able to yell at someone.
Broke total: $1.99 for anti-septic, $2.99 for Band aids for severed nail, $99 for Reese's for inflicted mental trauma at Duane Reade.
maybe you're broke because you paid $99 for a pack of Reese's?