The "maintenance" team wants to charge me $10/light bulb (even if I supply the light bulbs) in cash only (naturally, a currency I don't own), because they consider this something I can do myself. I could--if I owned a large ladder to reach the ceiling and wanted to die by unscrewing a very heavy lighting fixture. I am 5'9 and I can't reach it from my kitchen chair either. If I were to step on the Ikea table, I would probably paralyze myself.
So why not buy a floor lamp? Because I am unemployed and these "benefits" the state claims to be paying me pay for my rent and a sandwich. So I have been working by candlelight for the past few weeks. You may think this is romantic, but these suckers burn fast. I am down to my last few here and some of them I can't even get lit, because the wick is so far down, it requires a grill lighter.
Now where is my straw hat, damn it?
If you were really Amish, you wouldn't have internet, right? I don't get the point of this blog.