Monday, May 11, 2009

Because You Have Become Amish

About a month ago the two bulbs in my kitchen light went out...then one of the two in the bedroom...then the one in the hall. One would think this would be an easy thing to fix. However, this is why I am broke...

The "maintenance" team wants to charge me $10/light bulb (even if I supply the light bulbs) in cash only (naturally, a currency I don't own), because they consider this something I can do myself. I could--if I owned a large ladder to reach the ceiling and wanted to die by unscrewing a very heavy lighting fixture. I am 5'9 and I can't reach it from my kitchen chair either. If I were to step on the Ikea table, I would probably paralyze myself.

So why not buy a floor lamp? Because I am unemployed and these "benefits" the state claims to be paying me pay for my rent and a sandwich. So I have been working by candlelight for the past few weeks. You may think this is romantic, but these suckers burn fast. I am down to my last few here and some of them I can't even get lit, because the wick is so far down, it requires a grill lighter.

Now where is my straw hat, damn it?


  1. If you were really Amish, you wouldn't have internet, right? I don't get the point of this blog.
